Sekarang saya admin akan memperkenalkan sebuah aplikasi yang sangat menajubkan yaitu Cameringo+ Effects Camera v2.4.2 Apk aplikasi ini akan mengubah foto anda menjadi lebih menarik dan tentunya unik dan tidak ada di aplikasi efek lainnya dan cuma ada disini.
Cameringo + Efek Kamera v2.4.2 Apk adalah aplikasi profesional kamera fotografi meliputi berbagai macam filter foto di kilat cepat real time, seperti beberapa lomo dan efek fi Lo, lukisan kartun dan kertas gaya artistik, retro dan vintage.
With HDR tone mapping filter, produce the most
beautiful images. Also you can create little planet photos with
stereo-graphic filters adjusting the intensity level or just use the
preset tiny planet.
Record GIF animations with all the available
effects, You can also change the GIF recording speed to produce funny
GIF animations or even record in reverse mode.
Get a mad face selfie with the unique virtual flash for front facing camera.
Other included functions are on screen Auto exposure, a clever image stabilizer, silent camera mode, Histogram, Spy mode, GPS Geo Tagging, Tap to shoot, Macro focus and even the option to shoot perfectly squared photos making it easier to upload into Instagram.
What’s new
- New on screen auto exposure lock settings.
- New dedicated little planet mode.
- Added 5+ new filters
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membenahinya, smoga bisa bermanfaat aplikasi Cameringo+ Effects Camera v2.4.2 Apk ini untuk anda.
Link Download
Download Cameringo+ Effects Camera v2.4.2 Apk
Play Store
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